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22+ Panchakarma Centres
We have 22+ Panchakarma Centres where you can visit & take benefit of Panchkarma therapies
52+ Ayurvedic Clinics
We have 52+ Shuddhi Clinics all over India where you can visit for all your health concerns.
We have 45+ hospitals in different locations in India. We have hospitals in Meerut, Derabassi, Lucknow, Navi Mumbai. We are coming up with many more hospitals to take the right and effective treatment across India.
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All our products are delivered on time. We strive to ensure the best and timely service to our patients.
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Guru Manish Ji founded Shuddhi for one purpose only i.e, to give a disease-free life to all. He believes that with the help of Ayurveda & Naturopathy balancing all three doshas, one can get rid of any health issue. As an Ayurveda & Naturopathy Guru & Ambassador Manish Ji emphasizes a lifestyle that revolves around a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, Yoga, and Meditation.