Ayurvedic Insights: Understanding Vitiligo – Causes, Symptoms, and Holistic Treatment
Skin is an essential sense organ of the body. Everyone wants healthy and glowing skin. Melanin is the pigment that gives colour to the skin. Abnormalities in melanin cause serious skin disease. Vitiligo is also known as leucoderma. It is the loss of melanin pigment in the affected area. White patches occur on the affected area. It is known as Shwitra or Shweta Kushta in Ayurveda and is caused due to an imbalance of Vata and pitta doshas. Vitiligo is a chronic disorder in which skin loses its normal colour. This can be seen in any age group and affect any body part.
It affects your mouth, eyes, and hair. It varies from person to person. The disease comes under the concept of Kushta Roga. Dhatu, like Rakta Mansa and Meda, and dosh, like kapha and pitta, is involved in the disease. It affects the personal and social life of a person.
Diagnosis of Shwitra Kilasa According to Ayurveda-
The leucoderma is diagnosed with the help of Nidan Panchak-
- Virudh aahar (wrong food) is the main reason for having Vitiligo. For example, in Ayurveda, it is said that having fish and milk simultaneously causes white patches on the skin.
- Vegdharana ( controlling natural urges). For example:- Sometimes people are busy with their work, so they control their natural urges like vomit, urine, etc., which cause disbalance of their doshas.
- Ati bhajan (taking excess meals):- Eating more is also a reason for having white patches on the skin. This increases the kapha doshas, which results in vitiligo.
- Intake of amala, Lavana, and Madhur drugs in excess amounts.
- Taking pitta Vardhak Aahar also increases pitta doshas in the body.
Signs of Vitiligo-
In Ayurveda, the sign means roop of the disease. It is classified into three types-
- Daruna:- when doshas affect the Rakta Dhatu, it causes red patches on the skin.
- Aruna:- When dosha affects Mansa Dhatu, it causes copper color patches on the skin.
- Kilasa:- When dosha affects Meda Dhatu, it causes white color patches on the Skin.
Vitiligo is divided into two types-
- Segmental vitiligo:- In this, the white patches or leucoderma spread rapidly. It affects some specific regions of the body.
- Non Segmental vitiligo:-This kind of vitiligo occurs in the region of the neck, face, and those areas which are affected by the sun.
Vitiligo (ShvitraKilasa) is caused due to imbalanced diet and some behavioural factors. Many ayurvedic drugs are used for the treatment of leucoderma. This drug helps to regenerate the melanocyte. Many people report that leucoderma (Shvitra Kilasa) occurs at the time of stress, accident, job loss, sunburn, or any illness. People believe that having white patches means Vitiligo, but it is not true. All white spots are not Vitiligo. It is examined by the history of the patient and clinical examination.
Stages of Vitiligo Formation-
The process of Formation of any disease is known as Samprapti in Ayurveda. The disease got effected to the person through these stages.
- Nidana Sevana (intake of improper diet) is the reason behind the disease. Due to ahara vihara, the doshas of the body get imbalanced and get stored in the skin.
- These three doshas get mixed with Rakta, Manas, and med Dhatu of the body and start affecting it.
- Dhatu gets affected, and the color of the skin becomes changed or skin discolourations.
- White patches occur in the skin and cause a skin disease called vitiligo.
Symptoms of Vitiligo-
Here are some functions of vitiligo like-
- Loss of skin color which occurs in hands, genital organs, face, and body opening.
- Whiting or greying of hair on eyebrows, eyelashes, beads, and scalp.
- Loss of color in tissue, inside your mouth and nose.
Diet for Vitiligo-
There are many Pathya (do’s)and apathy (don’t) foods that you must keep in mind if you suffer from Vitiligo.
- Consume fruit and vegetables in your diet.
- Drink water in the early morning, kept in a copper vessel at night.
- Drink pomegranate juice and wheatgrass juice.
- Avoid Amala ( sour), Lavan (salty), and katu(spicy) food in your diet. This food increases your pitta doshas and causes problems.
- Avoid non-veg. These foods are guru( heavy) in nature and hard to digest.
- Avoid intake of urad and kulthi.
- Avoid dairy products like dahi and dairy products like milk and sweets.
- Avoid junk food completely.
Ayurvedic Herbs used in the Treatment of Vitiligo-
Here is some ayurvedic medicine that helps to get out of the problem of Vitiligo.
- Bakuchi
- Arogyavardhini vati
- Marichadi tail
- Jatyadi Ghrit
- Switrahara churna
- Jyotishmati taila
- Neeli ghrita
Treatment of Shwitra Kilasa-
Ayurved is a science that deals with all diseases. People believe that it has the solution to all problems. Some of them also believe that these medicines don’t have your body or don’t have side effects. But it is better to know that you did medicine also has side effects but in less amount. Treatment selection depends on Rog bala, rogi bala, kala, Vaya, vyadhi Awastha, Agni, and many more.
There are three treatments for vitiligo-
- Nidan parivarjana
Food is the main reason for any disease. Consumption of unhealthy food affects your body and causes imbalanced dosh and Dhaatu. Half of the disease gets removed if a person takes a healthy diet. So a healthy diet is essential to get rid of any disease.
- Shodhana therapy
Then the body is strong, then the person is treated with shodhana therapy. It helps to remove doshas from the body and maintain its equilibrium.
- Shamana therapy
It also helps to balance doshas in the body and the shaman process. Long-term uses of this therapy help to remove vitiated doshas.
Contact Us to Get Safe and Effective Treatment For Vitiligo-
Ayurvedic treatment with natural herbs and medicine is the best way to treat Vitiligo. Shuddhi Ayurvedic provides safe and effective treatments to help people get rid of Vitiligo. Call us at 75280-75288 to make an appointment or know more about the treatment.
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